The length of the coda can be used to estimate event magnitude, and the shape sometimes reveals details of subsurface structures Alternative spelling of CODA A passage which brings a movement or piece to a conclusion through prolongation literally "tail" a closing section A section sometimes added on to the end of a song in sonata form, added after the recapitulation to conclude the sonata form movement Cash or Deferred Arrangements A term associated with certain employee benefit plans where the employee is given a choice of receiving an employer contribution in cash or having it deferred under a plan and/or the choice of making his or her own contribution to the plan from before-tax income Most CODA's are either cash or deferred profit sharing plans or thrift and savings plans Closing section of a composition An added ending (Italian) "Tail " The last section of a piece of music A closing section, or tail, added to a musical movement A coda is not usually an essential part of the movement A coda is a separate passage at the end of something such as a book or a speech that finishes it off Italian for "tail " Final section of a musical movement in sonata form, summing up the previous material In music, a coda is the final part of a fairly long piece of music which is added in order to finish it off in a pleasing way A CODA is an arrangements that involves an election by an employee between receiving compensation in cash or having compensation deferred to a qualified plan Treas Reg 1 401(k)-1(a)-(3) The CODA must satisfy the requirements of Section 401(k) for the deferred compensation to be nontaxable at the time of the deferral Treas Reg 1 402(a)-1(d) The terms "section 401(k) arrangement" and "qualified CODA" also are used to refer to the "cash or deferred arrangement" in a qualified plan A CODA is an adult hearing child of deaf parents See also CODA A musical piece at the end of a selection A few measures or a section added to the end of a piece of music to make a more effective ending passage at the end of a song or composition that brings it to a formal close final short section of a composition It : "tail" The ending of a piece of music concluding section (Music) A section of an arrangement that follows the last performance of the head and serves to conclude the piece A few measures added beyond the natural termination of a composition the closing section of a musical composition Related Terms d.c.

The conclusion of a statement In seismograms, the gradual return to baseline after a seismic event. The word salts has three consonants - /l/, /t/, and /s/ - in its coda, whereas the word glee has no coda at all. Definition of coda in English English dictionary A person born hearing to deaf parents The optional final part of a syllable, placed after its nucleus, and usually composed of one or more consonants