If here are no bids, will program still work and bid opening bid for me? Or, if I already have highest bid, will it just let it go and not bid up, so I will win?.JBidwatcher is a great program, and really useful! Why don't you charge money for it?.Might I suggest a small change for the next version? Change the highlight colour for the currently selected item.I was wondering if it would be possible to have a converted currency tab in it? (I would like to know the amound in Euro's).If I have a snipe set on an auction, do I have to leave my computer on with JBidwatcher running for this to work?.: Currency cannot compareTo different currencies! Cannot compare different currencies.Īt pareCurrency(BaseTransformation.java:194)Īt pareB圜lass(BaseTransformation.java:165)Īt pare(auctionTableModel.java:453) What does it mean, and how can I fix it? Thu Sep 07 18:41:18 CEST 2006: JBidWatcher: : Currency cannot compareTo different currencies! Cannot compare different currencies. I get errors like this in my log file / in the Console view under OS X when I try to launch JBidwatcher:.
#Jbidwatcher captcha mac os#
Can you tell me where I can find the corresponding files in Mac OS X? Now my list of "complete" is lost and my access data.
#Jbidwatcher captcha code#
how does it calculate what my shipping costs would be if the seller has one of those "enter your zip code to calculate your shipping costs."?.
#Jbidwatcher captcha windows#
I don't know if this is just inherited from the Windows colour scheme or if it can be configured somehow. In Windows, it is hard to read the amount of the bid when the item is highlighted/selected with the dark blue back-colour.Any way to get JBidwatcher working with fedora core 6's version of Java?.Does JBidwatcher support multiple eBay users or if not, if I can run two sessions one with each user?.Is there another way to get the old auctions saved to an external file for reference so I can clean out my completed auction files?.

Do i have to synchronize the Time manually? Or what have i to do, if the PC-time is different from the eBay-Time?.Will JBidwatcher still work? What can I do to make it go away? I'm getting a CAPTCHA (a small graphic with words, letters, or numbers on a complex background) prompt whenever I log in to eBay through my web broswer.Where is the context menu? I cannot find it.I received an 'unknown error' bidding or sniping on an item? What happened?.